Monday, February 18, 2013

Stranded at the Drive-in...I mean Hotel

That's right everybody, never have I been more happy to work at a hotel.

Here on the frigid plains of the upper Midwest, we had a blizzard last night. It began at around 6pm, and lasted until 6 this evening. I was able to get myself into work just fine last night for my 10pm to 8am shift. However, when the worst of the weather hit us at around 1-5 in the morning, all roads in town plus the interstate were posted as "no travel advised". I decided it want worth it to struggle my way home to sleep then have to come back to work again at 10 tonight. Instead, I grabbed the key to one of our "no show" rooms from last night, slopes down on the bed, and was out cold for a solid eight hours.

Upon waking, I got up, took all the sheets off of the bed, got dressed and made my way downstairs to get clean sheets and...Bibbity, bobbity, boo! We had one more room to sell for tonight! (a good thing because we're full up with travelers stuck here after coming for presidents day weekend).

Unfortunately this means that I didn't get within miles (literally) of my sewing machine. Luckily I have my perpetual craft of my Hardanger embroidery with me, so that's what I'll be working on for the next hour until my shift.

I hope you all had a safe and relaxing holiday. Anybody have some holiday and/or travel horror stories they'd like to share?

My lovely bed from last night, after I had torn off the sheets, getting ready to make it up clean again.

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